ALTHOUGH not seem right person Mataram particularly fond of gardening, but the seller of flowers and ornamental plants enough
. In the capital city of this NTB tens florist lined the main street like Jalan Udayana, Jalan Airlangga, Jalan Majapahit, Jalan Sriwijaya, Jalan Saleh Sungkar, Regions Rembiga. "Sometimes just enough for maintenance costs," said I Made Yadi, a florist in Jalan Udayana, about his daily income
They are generally contracted land up to Rp 3 million per year. Downturn in sales of flowers and ornamental plants drastically since the conditions of sluggish tourism. "Before the year 2000 this business is very profitable," says Gde Radita, florist in Jalan Majapahit who have land floriculture and ornamental plants covering 27 acres. As tourism activity in stable condition, hotels, restaurants and inns villas even other pairs often do dismantle the park to give a new impression for visitors and tourists coming. The seller of this flower, also frequently called upon to re-arrange the garden direhab
. "Inclusion of our most from gardening," said Putu. They serve a variety of events decorations settlement services, such as a wedding. - Niek TURN not many flowers and ornamental plants commonly sold in Mataram, derived from the value added. Red palm, pine Bonzai shrimp, Asoka, asokas until adenium, aglaonema and Euphorbia, which spelled out the high prices were imported from other regions such as East Java, Bandung, Jakarta, and even Thailand
. They cost hundreds of thousands to millions of rupiah. Ornamental plants that have high economic value, native of Pandan Bali NTB is derived fromKabupaten Sumbawa. “Pandan Bali ini sudah diekspor hingga Korea Selatan,” ungkap Rahman penjaga dan pemelihara kebun bunga di Kawasan Rembiga yang juga agen bunga bagi penjual-penjual bunga di Mataram. Bunga biasa seperti kembang kertas, bonzai, asoka, bisa dibeli dengan beberapa lembar ribuan. Jenis tanaman hias seperti palem merah, palem kuning, cemara udang, bisa mencapai satu juta rupiah ke atas. Bunga dan tanaman hias ini bisa dijumpai di hampir semua tempat penjualan bunga. Yang jarang ditemukan adalah jenis kamboja Jepang atau adenium atau yang juga disebut mawar gurun. Yang sedang digemari saat ini di Mataram adalah jenis adenium dengan harga Rp 40 ribu hingga Rp 700 ribu. “Tergantung keunikan bonggolnya,” kata Made. Selain itu jenis bunga yang terbilang langka yang berasal dari Thailand adalah euphorbia dan aglaonema. Euphorbia yang lebih dari seratus jenis ini, terbilang mahal, Rp 600 ribu hingga jutaan rupiah. “Bahkan bisa mencapai Rp 35 juta,” ungkap Muhtar pengusaha bunga-bunga langka di Jalan Saleh Sungkar Ampenan. Usaha yang belum lama digelutinya ini, meski harganya relatif mahal, menurutnya sudah kelihatan mulai digemari. Ada dua koleksi aglaonema yang didatangkannya langsung dari Thailand yang siap ia jual dengan harga puluhan juta rupiah. Ada berbagai jenis adenium dengan bonggol-bonggol indah menghiasi pot-pot yang tersiram matahari penuh sepanjang hari. Di Mataram, baru satu jenis adenium yang bisa dijumpai di kebun-kebun penjualan bunga. Dua jenis lainnya baru mulai dikembangkan oleh Muhtar dan kawan-kawannya. - niek Musim Dingin Malas Berbunga YANG sedang ngetren dan banyak dicari saat ini di Mataram adalah kamboja Jepang. Demikian penuturan para penjual bunga. Daya tariknya terletak pada berbagai warna memikat yang mencolok dan menawan. Secara sengaja dibuat menjadi pendek dengan bentuk bunga bergerombol dan menyebar. Yang istimewa terletak di bonggolnya yang unik dan bunga yang lebat
. Keindahan dan harganya memang ditentukan bonggolnya. “Makin unik bonggolnya makin tinggi harganya,” kata Made. Ketika bonggolnya mencapai ukuran ‘raksasa’ harganya bisa mencapai puluhan juta rupiah. Jenis biasa dengan bonggol yang biasa pula, Rp 40 ribu hingga Rp 100 ribu. Bibitnya biasa dijual dengan harga Rp 5 ribu. “Adenium atau kamboja Jepang yang sudah dikawinkan, harganya jauh lebih mahal,” ujar Made. Setelah perkawinan dilakukan dengan menyambung kamboja Jepang dengan warna yang berlainan, harganya akan jauh lebih mahal lagi. Makin banyak warna dalam satu pohon makin tampak indah. Di Mataram,yet many types and colors of this Japanese frangipani. The most, which is red. This is because of difficulty breeding. The vendors seemed to be an avid interest to develop this kind of interest there has yet to fully understand how the maintenance is good, so not much can live with when devotees are beautiful enough. Just looks beautiful hump improvise, so even modest economic value. Adenium need dry media, but still intensively watered. If watered once a day during the dry season, when the rainy season or winter watering every other day. Jiika want diligent flowering, better use of manure as fertilizers will easily evaporate. Another advantage of adenium is rarely attacked by diseases and pests, but still important prevention with attention to environmental cleanliness. To appear more beautiful, do the cutting or trimming during flowering because it would appear the new shoots. According to Muhtar, pruning should not be done in the winter because of the risk of failure is high berbunganya. In winter flowering .- lazy adenium Niek Tips to Make Unique and Gorgeous Corm weevil GOODS and perfect, good shape with the large size and smooth, making the sale value soaring. Unfortunately, not easy to get such a beautiful rod. Which are found fairly large trunk but the cob was not beautiful and smooth. If only easily obtained adenium then taken seeded fruit of course no problem. One way to do that is by cuttings. It's just that the formation of tubers about 4-6 months longer than through seeds. Cuttings can be done by selecting a trunk diameter of at least 1 cm or have been white, so the sign has woody plants. Then slice the stems with a sharp knife and sterile. Long cuttings of approximately 15-20 cm. Then place the cuttings in the shade - aerated - for seven days to dry resin. After the base of the cuttings dry out, make a plus sign-shaped incision with a depth of 2 cm cut. Dip the base of the cuttings in a solution of substances for 15 minutes. Planting materials in the medium with the mixture, husks burn, sterile sand, and compost with a 1:2:1 ratio
. Let stand for one month, after that, cuttings have rooted. So after one to two years be prepared to enjoy the unique beauty and charming cob .- Niek
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